Entries by David Martin

How Will ChatGPT Impact Education, Self-Directed Learning, and Schools?

The advent of advanced AI models like ChatGPT is set to revolutionize the way we approach education and learning. With its ability to generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions, ChatGPT has the potential to enhance self-directed learning and transform the role of schools in education. Self-Directed Learning One of the key benefits […]

How a Behavior Chart Harmed Our Daughter

There are many evidence-based reasons for concluding that those commonly used behavior management charts found in many classrooms are not helpful, healthy, and can have negative consequences. Even for children that always maintain “good” behavior, these charts can have a negative impact on their mental health. We found this out the hard way. Our first encounter with the […]

Education Labels

I started a Facebook poll in our homeschool and alternative education group to see which term(s) families preferred to use to describe their approach to education. Here are all the labels that were included in that poll. New labels will continue to be added to this list as they are added to the poll. Homeschooling […]

Ruled By Playground Rules

Playground rules. This has been a topic of discussion the past few days at our house. It started when I watched this video about a “no rules” playground in New Zealand. Then one of my daughter’s schooled friends was finding so much joy doing things on our neighborhood playground that wouldn’t be allowed at school, we decided to take a closer look at what are the typical playground rules and do they have merit.
We complied a list of the playground rules my daughter remembered from her short time at public school kindergarten, the rules her friend said were currently being enforced at her school and other rules we pulled from school websites. I was surprised by how many rules were commonly enforced on school playgrounds—and how many appeared to be senseless.